Select * from ex_company
수행시간: 0.000495 초
Select * from ex_sitemap where nav_code='ebo1655356114'
수행시간: 0.000993 초
Select * from ex_homepage where site_code='hoseo'
수행시간: 0.001966 초
Select * from ex_sitemap where site_code='hoseo' and ref= '20' and depth = 0 and seq < 0 order by seq desc limit 1
수행시간: 0.000817 초
Select count(idx) from ex_sitemap where site_code='hoseo' and ref= '20' and depth = 1
수행시간: 0.000902 초
Select * from ex_sitemap where site_code='hoseo'
수행시간: 0.002218 초
Select count(goods_id) from contents_mast_hoseo
수행시간: 0.000354 초
Select count(idx) from contents_lending_hoseo where returned_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and lending_expired_date < '2024-09-20 14:47:41'
수행시간: 0.000508 초
< hoseo

hoseo 로고

Select * from ex_sitemap where site_code='hoseo' and page_type='program' and refcode='13'
수행시간: 0.000771 초
hoseo 내서재


    Select * from contents_main_category where content_sort='017' order by main_cate_id asc
    수행시간: 0.000508 초
    Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'A1'
    수행시간: 0.062011 초
  • 문학(22766)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'A2'
    수행시간: 0.009949 초
  • 에세이/산문(3462)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'A3'
    수행시간: 0.030644 초
  • 장르문학(11923)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'A4'
    수행시간: 0.005553 초
  • 인문(2176)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'A5'
    수행시간: 0.002931 초
  • 역사(1090)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'A6'
    수행시간: 0.001525 초
  • 종교/역학(459)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'A7'
    수행시간: 0.004073 초
  • 사회(1385)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'A8'
    수행시간: 0.013637 초
  • 경제/비즈니스(5927)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'A9'
    수행시간: 0.002275 초
  • 자연/과학(788)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'AA'
    수행시간: 0.001727 초
  • 컴퓨터/인터넷(562)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'AB'
    수행시간: 0.000654 초
  • 어린이(106)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'AC'
    수행시간: 0.000488 초
  • 연령별분류(39)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'AD'
    수행시간: 0.005305 초
  • 외국어(1807)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'AE'
    수행시간: 0.001252 초
  • 수험서/자격증(324)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'AF'
    수행시간: 0.006023 초
  • 취미/여행(2515)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'AG'
    수행시간: 0.001863 초
  • 문화/예술(619)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id = 'AH'
    수행시간: 0.002629 초
  • 가정/생활(951)
Select * from ex_template where idx='12'
수행시간: 0.000479 초
Select * from ex_ebook_policy where site_code='hoseo'
수행시간: 0.000458 초
Select count(idx) from contents_lending_hoseo where user_idx='' and lending_expired_date >= '2024-09-20 14:47:41' and returned_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
수행시간: 0.000501 초
Select count(idx) from contents_reserve_hoseo where user_idx='' and state='0'
수행시간: 0.007137 초

    Select count(content_sort) from contents_middle_category where content_sort='017' and main_cate_id='A3'
    수행시간: 0.000563 초
    Select * from contents_middle_category where content_sort='017' and main_cate_id='A3' order by middle_cate_id asc
    수행시간: 0.000704 초
    Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='01'
    수행시간: 0.031862 초
  • 무협(3128)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='02'
    수행시간: 0.048994 초
  • 판타지(6951)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='03'
    수행시간: 0.014450 초
  • SF/밀리터리(448)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='04'
    수행시간: 0.039407 초
  • 로맨스(1118)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='05'
    수행시간: 0.021883 초
  • 대중소설(71)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='06'
    수행시간: 0.007631 초
  • 추리(180)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='07'
    수행시간: 0.005144 초
  • 공포(17)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='08'
    수행시간: 0.003667 초
    Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='09'
    수행시간: 0.001549 초
  • BL(1)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='10'
    수행시간: 0.000852 초
  • 장르연재(3)
  • Select count(goods_id) from contents_category_hoseo where main_cate_id='A3' and middle_cate_id='12'
    수행시간: 0.000796 초
Select count(contents_mast_hoseo.goods_id) from contents_mast_hoseo where use_yn = 'Y' AND contents_mast_hoseo.goods_id in (select goods_id from contents_category_hoseo where contents_category_hoseo.main_cate_id='A3')
수행시간: 0.683019 초
Select *, (select main_cate_name from contents_main_category, contents_category_hoseo where contents_main_category.main_cate_id = contents_category_hoseo.main_cate_id and contents_category_hoseo.goods_id = contents_mast_hoseo.goods_id and contents_category_hoseo.main_cate_id='A3') as main_cate_name, (SELECT long_description FROM contents_abstract_hoseo WHERE contents_abstract_hoseo.goods_id = contents_mast_hoseo.goods_id) AS short_description, (select comname from ex_company where comcode = contents_mast_hoseo.comcode) as comname, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contents_reserve_hoseo WHERE contents_reserve_hoseo.goods_id = contents_mast_hoseo.goods_id and state = '0') as use_reserve_cnt from contents_mast_hoseo where use_yn = 'Y' AND contents_mast_hoseo.goods_id in (select goods_id from contents_category_hoseo where contents_category_hoseo.main_cate_id='A3') order by lending_cnt desc, reserve_cnt desc, content_title ASC, reg_ymd desc LIMIT 1600, 20
수행시간: 1.529935 초
11,917 건의 도서가 있습니다.


Select * from ex_sitemap where nav_code = 'ebo1655356114'
수행시간: 0.000476 초
Select * from ex_connect_page_hoseo where (reg_date = '2024-09-20') and sitemap_idx = '2415' limit 1000
수행시간: 0.000587 초
update ex_connect_page_hoseo set cnt=cnt+1 where idx = '657'
수행시간: 0.000328 초