BTS and ARMY Culture

Jeeheng Lee | 커뮤니케이션북스
  • 등록일2020-04-06
  • 파일포맷epub
  • 파일크기12 M  
  • 지원기기아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드, 태블릿, PC
  • 보유현황보유 1, 대출 0, 예약 0
  • 평점 평점점 평가없음


ARMY is a community of taste, and BTS is their common denominator. This book started from the wish to apply the perspective of a cultural studies scholar in order to investigate the fandom ARMY as a most ardent outcome to arise from a “community of taste.” On a personal level, the most pressing question was which vantage point to assume for myself. While research is a language of rigorous logic, criticism is a language of warm interpretation―or in the words of Terry Eagleton, “a sensitivity to the thickness and intricacy of the medium.” If research is to approach something through objectivity and tested theories, this book can be understood as a work of criticism for general readers, written by an Aca-Fan (academic and fan) who lets her affection shine through. BTS and ARMY Culture illuminates how ARMY, which is a kind of imaginary community of BTS-loving fans, has created epistemic distance towards standard K-pop culture and cements BTS’ status in global mainstream music via tangible fan practices. To this aim, I analyze social media and online fan communities that serve as discursive spaces for ARMY, and observe in particular how ARMY forges BTS’ cultural status by compromising and negotiating with mass media that hold cultural power. This book revolves around these general aspects, and rather than posing as a work of theoretical criticism, its identity resembles an archival document that captures the dynamics of ARMY in the contemporary cultural landscape. For ARMY, I hope that this book is valuable as a neat documentation of their achievements. To those who are curious about ARMY, I hope that this book can serve as a ‘full-scale anatomy of ARMY.’


Jeeheng Lee
Currently teaching film at Chung-Ang University, she is a member of the Film Subcommittee for the Korea Media Rating Board. She received a Bachelor of Science at the Ewha Woman’s University, a Master of Fine Arts with a focus on Filmmaking at CalArts, and a PhD in Film Studies with a focus on Film Theory at the Graduate School for Art & Technology at Chung-Ang University.
She was a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Cinematic Content at Dankook University, full lecturer in the multimedia department at Hannam University, and lecturer at Yonsei University. Her PhD thesis examined “Disaster and Film: The Emotional Structure of Disaster in 21st Century Film” (2015). Her research interests are posthumanism, relations between visual culture and modernity, and popular culture in new media. While researching symptoms of disaster linked to transglobal capitalism, she stumbled upon the music of BTS, their worldview, and their relationship to ARMYs. After discovering therein an unexpected hope for the world, she is still going through an inner identity crisis. Research papers include (translated titles): “The Present of Korean Fantasy TV Series: Tracing the Motifs of the Superhuman and Time Slips” (2017), “Traversing the World of Serial Catastrophe: The Appearance of Apocalyptic Postmodern Representation” (2017), “The Politics of Hollywood’s Conspiracy Films in the Post-Capitalist Era” (2014), and more.


Translator’s Preface
Author’s Preface

01 Started from the Bottom of K-pop
Idols and Their Fandom as Political Symbols
Out of a Thorny Path

02 Voting Culture
Hashtag Voting
The Dark Side of K-pop Voting Culture

03 ARMY, the Best Promoter
ARMY’s Strength Made the Band
Hashtag Campaigns
Thread Campaigns
You Stream? We Buy!
ARMY Invasion of US Radio
“It’s BTSpop, not K-pop”

04 Fandom of diversity
The Visibility of Middle-aged and Male Fans
The LGBTQ Community
Bond between Minorities
Learning about Blackness
Appealing to Intellectuals

05 Beyond the Language Barrier
Shaking up Western-centric Language Hierarchies
ARMY Hangul Day
Citi Field Concert Review by a Visually Impaired Girl
BTS Singing in Korean
Fan Translators

06 The Social Expansion of Fandom Culture
The Growth Narrative that Moves ARMYs
Charity Culture
ARMY are the Faces of BTS: Fandom Campaigns

07 The Cultural Politics of Fandom
Fandom and Misogyny
Racism in the Fandom
The Ecosphere of K-pop Fandoms and ARMY
Fandom: A New Force in the Music Industry
ARMY as Citizens of the Neo-liberal Era

수많은 리더십 모델에서 지혜를 얻는 법
부하의 능력이 중요한가, 태도가 중요한가?
? 요약 노트
02 일은 스트레스인가, 성취감의 근원인가?
적정 수준의 스트레스는 성과를 높인다
마음 눈금의 작동 방식을 알아야 적정 수준을 유지할 수 있다
직무 스트레스의 작동 원리를 알아야 관리할 수 있다
? 요약 노트
03 성공은 노력의 산물인가, 타고난 재능이나 운의 산물인가?
운칠기삼? 기칠운삼?
조직의 성공도 운, 노력보다는 인과 지식이다
인과 지식은 어떻게 습득하는가?
? 요약 노트
04 내적 동기가 중요한가, 외적 동기가 중요한가?
동기에 관한 흔한 착각
내적 동기를 높이려면?
? 요약 노트
05 실패를 줄일 것인가, 실패를 장려할 것인가?
과감한 행동의 이유는 다르다
진정한 도전은 어떻게 시작되는가?
도전은 3F 원리에 따라
? 요약 노트
06 분석을 믿을 것인가, 직관을 믿을 것인가?
분석과 직관에 관한 이해
직관을 통제할 것인가, 적극 활용할 것인가?
직관을 전략적으로 개발하려면
? 요약 노트
07 좋은 직원을 뽑을 것인가, 좋은 직원으로 키울 것인가?
어떤 직원이 적합한 직원인가?
직원을 보는 리더의 안목을 높이려면?
적합한 인재로 만들기 위해 환경 적합성을 고려하라
? 요약 노트
08 장기적이고 원대한 목표를 추구할 것인가, 단기적이고 적당한 목표를 추구할 것인가?
스트레치 목표의 역설
어떤 상황에서 스트레치 목표가 효과적일까?
우리 조직에 스트레치 목표가 필요한가?
? 요약 노트
맺음말-피터의 원리를 어떻게 극복할까?

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