Keynote Like A Pro

Victor Choi | IVISUAL
  • 등록일2018-02-22
  • 파일포맷epub
  • 파일크기21 M  
  • 지원기기아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드, 태블릿, PC
  • 보유현황보유 2, 대출 0, 예약 0
  • 평점 평점점 평가없음


There are three vital factors crucial to success in a presentation the content of the presentation (stories) design and presentation skills. There are already countless books on presentations in bookstores. In this book I intended to strike a balance between presentation design philosophy which is revealed in the previously published presentation books and slideware guide books. Furthermore I tried to apply Keynote (Apple’s slideware which is used by the company’s CEO Steve Jobs) to the philosophy we learned from books like “Presentation Zen Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery.” The purpose of this book is not to solely focus on the explanation of the software itself. It is more accurate to call it a presentation design book that introduces readers to the presentations made by Steve Jobs who is world renown as a presentation guru.


Victor Choi found Keynote User Group to research how we can visualize our idea by using Apple Keynote. Since 2007 he has adopted Keynote through TEDxMyeongDong events IgniteSeoul and etc. He used to be a trainer of Apple Authorized Training Center to teach Apple iWork. Currently he is CEO of IVISUAL which is Keynote presentation education and consulting company. He consulted speakers Keynote presentation at Techplus Forum and Seoul Digial Forum. Also he was responsible for TED Worldwide Talent Search in Seoul as the production manager. IVISUAL is developing ebooks and iOS apps too. He currently lives in Seoul Korea.


Keynote Like a Pro
The Movie-like Keynote
Act1 : Presentation&Keynote
Section 1 : The Gap between Ideal and Real
Section2 : A Movie-like Presentation
Section 3 : A Strong Story is Vital
Section4: What is an Authentic Presentation Design?
Section5 : Make the Presenter Sparkle
Act2 : Design Your Story with Keynote
Section6 : A Brief Glance at Keynote
Section7 : The Font Style Equals Branding
Section8 : Keep a Balance Between Images and Text - Text Shadow Effect
Section9 : Be Distinct or Be Extinct - Reflection Effect
Section10 : Release the Stress of Color Selection - Colors
Section11 : Make the Most of Analog’s Sensitivity
Section12 : Pay Attention to Details - Button Design Using Gradient
Section13 : Drawing Directly: The Pen Tool
Section14 : Design Considering a Story: Modification of Shapes
Section15 : Image Art - More Beautiful than Clip Art: Image Art Function
Section16 : Provide the Audience with a Novel Experience - Picture Frames
Section17 : Display Images in a More Beautiful Way - Adjust Image
Section18:Consider the Harmony with the Background
Section19 : Easily Arranging Proportions & Spacial Aesthetics - Alignment
Section20 : Connecting All Objects - The Connection Line
Section21 : How to Design Videos - The Metrics Inspector
Section22 : The Internet Meets Keynote - Hyperlink
Section23 : Create Art with Charts - The Chart Function
Section24 : Abandon Boring Tables - The Table Function
Section25 : Use Meaningful Transition Effects - The Slide Transition Effect
Section26 : Make a Smooth Connection (Part I)- Magic Move
Section27 Make a Smooth Connection (Part II) - Text Effects
Section28 Use Dynamic Effects That Are Meaningful (1) - Build In & Out
Section29 : Redefine Bullets - Build Effects with Bullets
Section30 : Visualize Bullets - Utilizing Images for Bullets
Section31 : Contain a Story - Build and Action
Section32 : Use Dynamic and Meaningful Effects (2) - All About Action
Section33 : Playing Multiple Videos Simultaneously - Video & Build
Section34 : An Aggregate of Build Effects - Smart Builds
Section35 : Sounds Can Also Be Designed - Sound Clips
Section36 : Cooperate with iWork - iWork.com
Section37 : A Guide for a Successful Presentation - Presenter Notes
Section38 : My Own Way of Managing Keynote Documents - Document & Spotlight
Act3 : Keynote Like Pro
Section39 : Let’s Rehearse - Practice! Practice! Practice
Section40 : Final Check of Presentation Stories - View Layout & Light Table
Section41 : An Indispensable Item in a Presentation - a Remote Control
Section42 : Making Keynote Handouts - The Handout Function

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