Imperfect Question

김한중 | 키메이커
  • 등록일2018-02-22
  • 파일포맷epub
  • 파일크기9 M  
  • 지원기기아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드, 태블릿, PC
  • 보유현황보유 1, 대출 0, 예약 0
  • 평점 평점점 평가없음


Imperfect Question'' 이라는 책은 기존에 교육학박사 김한중교수가 집필한 ''불완전한 물음'' 이란 책을 영문판으로 번역한 책이다. 이 책은 영어와 교육에 관심이 많은 국내, 국외 학생이나 교사, 교수에게 교육적 의미가 전해지길 기대해 본다. 불완전한 물음 Imperfect Question 교사는 ‘불완전한 물음을 하는 학생’을 어떻게 지도해야 할까? 라는 물음에 기초하여 “교사” 의 의미를 생각해 보았다. 가상으로 쓰여진 주인공 김선준학생의 특성은 학습부진아(children with underachievement)의 인지적 특성 중 언어 능력이 빈약하여 발음이 잘 안되는 학생(불완전한 물음을 하는 학생)으로 가상의 인물을 구성하여 글을 써보았다. 이에 교육의 의미와 교사와 교육자에게 물음 1∼8의 형식으로 내용을 구성하였다. 소제목으로 “김선준 발포하게 슴니다.” 로 정하였다. 이야기를 통해서 우리가 생각해 보아야 할 의미를 빨간색 굵은 글과 밑줄 표시해보았고, 글속에서 교육환경에 있는 교사와 교육자는 어떻게 학생을 지도해야 할까? 라는 물음 1∼8을 함께 던져본다. 이 물음들이 교육자의 길을 가는 교사와 교수에게 도움이 되길 기대해 본다. How should teacher educate ‘student who asks imperfect question?’ Based on this question, I thought of meaning of “teacher.” I wrote a story, with virtual character Kim Sunjoon, kid with under-achievement, who lacks linguistic ability the most among other cognitive characters. As a result, he has problem in pronunciation (student who asks imperfect question). Thus, I composed a story with question no.1∼8, asking teachers and educators about meaning of education. I chose “Kim Sunjoon will Balpo (meaning ‘shoot’ in Korean)” as a subtitle. Through the story, I underlined and colored meaning that we should think of, and added question about how should teachers and educators in educational environment guide students, along with question no. 1∼8. I expect these question to be helpful to teachers and professors who are engaged in teaching.


김한중 소개(군장대학교 외래교수) 1. 교육학박사 2. 제15회 신지식인 선정(10-48호) (한국경제신문, 원광뉴스) 3. 제35회 지필문학 신인문학상 수상 및 시인 등단 (전북연합신문, 익산신문, 전라일보, 전북도민일보, 원광뉴스, 전북교육신문, 오늘뉴스, 익산시민뉴스, 익산중앙뉴스, 원대신문, 전북일보, 희망서천교육) 4. 창조경제타운 교육/문화분야 멘토링 전문가 선정(제2014-010호)(멘토 Top 100 선정) 5. 군장대학교 외래교수 저서 1. 생활 속 심리효과 130 2. 수업분석 67 3. 교육학의 이해 4. Carl Gustav Jung과 Sigmund Freud가 생각한 심리학 5. 교수학습과 교육심리 84 6. 어린아이의 눈높이로 발견된 시 1 7. 어린아이의 눈높이로 발견된 시 2 8. 학교상담과 수퍼비전 77 9. 영어와 한글을 한 눈에 보여준 명언 143 10. 원어민이 인정한 영어문장 2,240 11. 배운것을 잊다 Picasso 12. 4지 선답 교육학 문제 275 13. 어린아이의 눈높이로 발견된 시 3 14. 논문에서 꼭 들어가야 할 내용 15. 플라톤이 생각한 교육철학 16. John Dewey가 생각한 Pragmatism적 접근 17. 노란안경 18. 불완전한 물음 19. 사회심리학적 관점으로 본 우리동네 칠언이 20. 통찰을 기르는 디베이트 수업에 의한 변화 21. 교육행정 및 교육경영 22. 학교폭력의 예방 및 대책(교육학박사 김한중의 학교폭력의 예방 및 대책 앨범(인간에 대한 예의, 나무야) 23. 교육과 사회 24. 교육학개론 25. 또래들과의 관계에서 본 참된 힘 26. 상담심리 문제 182 27. 양적 측정도구, 질적 측정도구


1. Kim Sunjoon will Balpo 2. Question no.1 Sunjoon, talking down and talking in respect form at the same time, didn’t seem like he is going to go away from me. What should I do if I was in such situation? How should teachers and educators guide such student? 3. Question no.2 Classmates told be that Sunjoon didn’t eat fish since he was 1st grader. Other teacher tried to make him eat fish, but every time they did, Sunjoon either cried or threw up, making other people displeased. In the end, everyone gave up. What should I do if I was in such situation? How should teachers and educators guide such student? 4. Question no.3 “What’s wrong with Sunjoon?” “I don’t know. I told him to stop crying from the morning, because it’s noisy. And that’s what I’d to face.” “Sunjoon stop crying. Go and sit down.” As if he was trying to show denial to what I’d said, he set down, making bang sound. Still, I left him alone, without saying anything. What should I do if I was in such situation? How should teachers and educators guide student? 5. Question no.4 “I said come and stand along” “Hey Sunjoon, come on” “Wh..who du (do) you think you are? why are you souting (shouting) at me?” In the end, he stood with his classmates, but still kept distance with them. Other kids and I couldn’t get more mad than that, but to enjoy field-study, we just holded back. What should I do if I was in such situation? How should teachers and educators guide such student? 6. Question no.5 It’s really obstinate situation. I had two choices: either take it delightfully and eat a piece of mandarin even though I might throw up later, or reject boy’s kindness and agonize about what I have done in the future. What should I do if I was in such situation? How should teachers and educators guide such student? 7. Question no.6 “Alright, Sunjoon. Give me the answer.” “Ah.......” Class was filled with kids’ sigh. Sigh that contain frustration of losing opportunity to Sunjoon. Sunjoon seemed satisfied and confident. “Kim Sunjoon will Balpo (Kim Sunjoon, will Balpyo. *Balpyo means present in Korean, while Balpo means shoot) “3rd of October is hmm……,hmm……, an of (off) day?” “HaHa, he said it’s an off day. What an idiot.” Sunjoon spoke out with confidence, but after kids’ responds, he began to be disconcerted. He seemed to cry in any minute, with his eyes saying ‘what have I done wrong?’ What should I do if I was in such situation? How should teachers and educators guide such student? 8. Question no.7 I looked at Sunjoon’s face, with small hope of him to know the answer again. First, he seemed like he was thinking hardly to get right answer, and suddenly, he raised his hand. Just like last time, he showed his conspicuous gesture, containing strong will to respond. With putting his hand together and using his index finger to express ‘pick me, please’ I had to take Sunjoon’s side again. “Alright. Sunjoon speak up.” “Teacher, why do you always pick Sunjoon?” Sunwook spoke with dissatisfaction in his voice. “You present a lot in math class, don’t you? It’s Sunjoon’s first time to present. Next time, I will choose you to present, alright Sunwook? Ok, Sunjoon, give me the answer.” “Kim Sunjoon will Balpo. (Kim Sunjoon, will Balpyo. *Balpyo means present in Korean, while Balpo means shoot). “Ok Sunjoon, for whom do we have to hold a memorial service? “It’, hmm......hmm...... mi (my) granfater (grandfather)?” “haha, why do we hold a memorial service for your grandfather on National Foundation Day of Korea?” Sunjoon was standing awkwardly, taking all the boos and criticism. It was my turn to save him again. “That’s right. Dangoon is our grandfather. Good job Sunjoon.” I had to ignore Kids’ unsatisfied view towards me, because I wanted to back up Sunjoon, who sometimes get ignored by others due to learning underachievement. What should I do if I was in such situation? How should teachers and educators guide such student? 9. Question no.8 I bursted into tears. A 7 years old kid who didn’t know anything, went to city at night to buy flower, like people who bought it to give it in graduaction day, to give me, a person who didn’t have any correlation with freesia; I wasn’t beautiful like freesia, neither uses perfume reminding freesia odor. I felt regretful and uncomfortable, because I might have hurted this innocent kid’s feeling by not knowing his mind and just laughed at it. What should I do if I was in such situation? How should teachers and educators engaged in such situation, expecting what kind of change?

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