
The Legacy of Thurgood Marshall

Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State | 주한미국대사관
  • 등록일2017-04-25
  • 파일포맷epub
  • 파일크기1 K  
  • 지원기기아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드, 태블릿, PC
  • 보유현황보유 2, 대출 0, 예약 0
  • 평점 평점점 평가없음


"인종차별 철폐 역사에서 써굿 마샬이 이룩한 핵심 역할을 살펴봄으로써 그의 업적을 기리는 책자. 미 대법원의 ‘브라운 대 교육위원회’ 판결에서 미국유색인지위향상협회(NAACP) 수석변호사(lead counsel) 역할을 맡았던 그의 입장과 이후 법관으로서 그가 미친 영향을 중점적으로 다루고 있다.
This publication provides a tribute to the legacy of Thurgood Marshall through an examination of Marshall‘s key role in the history of desegregation. It focuses on his position as lead counsel for the NAACP assigned to argue Brown v Board of Education before the Supreme Court and his subsequent influence as a member of the Court. "


"1 Enlisting the Courts in the Civil Rights Fight By Michael Jay Friedman
5 The Case of the Century By Michael Jay Friedman
9 Another First: Supreme Court Justice Marshall By Michael Jay Friedman
12 On the Front Lines With Marshall: An Interview With Jack Greenberg
15 Charles Hamilton Houston: A Visionary on Racial Equality By Mildred Sol? Neely
17 A Bill of Rights for Kenya: Marshall’s Role By Mary L. Dudziak
19 Thurgood Marshall: A Timeline
21 Thurgood Marshall’s Legacy
23 Bibliography

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