
Living Documents of American History and Democracy

Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State | 주한미국대사관
  • 등록일2017-04-25
  • 파일포맷epub
  • 파일크기3 K  
  • 지원기기아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드, 태블릿, PC
  • 보유현황보유 2, 대출 0, 예약 0
  • 평점 평점점 평가없음


The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy Seoul prepared this booklet to provide accurate, comprehensive and objective information about American history and democracy.


"Foreword 1
Preface 4
The Declaration of Independence (1776) 10
The Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776) 13
The Virginia Act For Establishing Religious Freedom (1786) 17
The Northwest Ordinance (1787) 20
The Constitution of the United States (1787) 23
The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 10 38
The Bill of Rights (1791) 48
Other Amendments to the Constitution 51
George Washington: Farewell Address (1796) 54
Thomas Jefferson: Inaugural Address (1801) 63
James Monroe: The Monroe Doctrine (1823) 68
James Polk : Manifest Desting 71
Daniel Webster: Second Reply to Robert Hyane (1830) 74
Andrew Jackson: Proclamation (1832) 78
Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America (1835) 84
Ralph Waldo Emerson: Self-Reliance (1841) 86
Introduction to the Court Opinion on the Dred Scott Case(1857) 96
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address (1861) 106
Abraham Lincoln: State of the Union Address (1862) 110
Abraham Lincoln: The Emancipation Proclamation(1863) 112
Abraham Lincoln: The Gettysburg Address (1863) 116
Abraham Lincoln: Second Inaugural Address (1865) 118
Theodore Roosevelt: The Conservation Of Natural Resources (1907) 121
Woodrow Wilson: First Inaugural Address (1913) 125
Woodrow Wilson: Mobile Speech (1913) 130
Woodrow Wilson: Fourteen Points Speech (1918) 132
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Four Freedoms Speech (1941) 137
The Atlantic Charter (1941) 143
Harry S. Truman: The Truman Doctrine (1947) 145
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Atoms for Peace (1953) 149
The United States Supreme Court Brown v. Board of
Education (1954) 153
John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address (1961) 161
John F. Kennedy: American University Address (1963) 166
Martin Luther King, Jr.: I Have a Dream Speech (1963) 172 Lyndon B. Johnson: Civil Rights Statements (1964) 176
Jimmy Carter: United Nations Address (1977) 180
U.S. Supreme Court 25 Historic Decisions 184"

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