
Governance and Growth

Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State | 주한미국대사관
  • 등록일2017-04-25
  • 파일포맷epub
  • 파일크기2 K  
  • 지원기기아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드, 태블릿, PC
  • 보유현황보유 2, 대출 0, 예약 0
  • 평점 평점점 평가없음


"이번 호 「거버넌스와 발전」에서는 오바마 대통령이 올 해 7월 가나 의회에서 행한 연설에서 ""국가발전은 건전한 국가관리에 의해 좌우됩니다.""라고 발언한 내용의 현실을 살펴본다.
""Governance and Growth,"" explores the reality behind President Obama’s statement to Ghana’s parliament earlier this year: ""Development depends on good governance."" "


"_U.S. Foreign Assistance Enters NEW Era of Opportunity 4
_Ethiopian American Takes Helm at MCC 9
_Improving Morocco’s FISHING Industry 10
_Texting FOR Profits 11
_Africans Taking The Lead 12
_The Foundations FOR Sustainable Growth in Latin America 15
_Property RIGHTS: A way Out of Poverty AND War 19
_Business Looks FOR Good Governance in DEVELOPING MARKETS 23
_Strength in Numbers: The Power of Regional Trade 27
_Naga City Works FOR Transparency AND Accountability 30
_Building High-Impact Businesses 34
_Reforms Promote Business in Indian Cities 37
_Additional RESOURCES 41"

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