

E&C | 멘토스
  • 등록일2017-04-25
  • 파일포맷epub
  • 파일크기0 K  
  • 지원기기아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드, 태블릿, PC
  • 보유현황보유 1, 대출 0, 예약 0
  • 평점 평점점 평가없음


『이래도 안들려? 미드영어』는 미드로 영어를 공부하는 사람들을 위해 미드영어 듣기의 첫 관문을 통과할 수 있도록 기획되었다. 쉽게 말하면 위 미드족의 학습방법의 일부를 이 책을 통해서 이룰 수 있도록 꾸며졌다는 이야기이다. 문장의 앞부분인 ‘주어+조동사,’ 그리고 ‘의문사+조동사+ 주어’의 경우를 집중적으로 어떻게 들어야 하는지 친절하게 정리하였다.


저자 :
저자 E&C (English & Communications)는 영어회화에서 TOEIC, TOEFL 등 수험영어까지, 효율적인 영어 학습 컨텐츠를 전문적으로 개발하는 단체입니다. 다년간 영어컨텐츠개발에 몰두한 실력있는 전문가들이 모여 더욱 즐겁게, 더욱 효과적으로 영어를 습득할 수 있는 기술을 연구개발하고 있습니다. 저서로는 『NEW 영어회화공식 303』, 『기본동사로 Native 단숨에 다시 따라잡기』, 『네이티브에 특히 강한 영어회화 필수표현 3000』, 『New SMART English For ALL』, 『미드영어 단숨에 따라잡기』, 『New TOEIC 초스피드 단어암기장』, 『New TOEIC WORD BANK』, 『통째로 씹어먹는 New TOEIC VOCA』, 『SMART 영어회화 표현사전 5000』, 『따라만 하면 저절로 영어말문이 콸콸 트인다!』, 『미드영어 표현사전』, 『미드영어 상황별 공식 581』, 『맨처음 미드영어』 그리고 『매일 10분이면 왕초보도 영어회화 술술한다(기본패턴형)』, 『매일 10분이면 왕초보도 영어회화 술술한다(기본표현형)』 『미드영어 Q&A』, 『멘토스 TOEIC VOCA』, 『미드영어공식패턴 3300』 등이 있습니다.


Before You Start 010 미드영어, 어떻게 들어야 하나?
“미드가 안들리는 이유를 찾았다?”

Section 1 이게 왜 안들려?
UNIT 1 주격인칭대명사+be 동사
001 I’m not a lawyer 024
002 I’m the product of my mother’s rape 026
003 I’m comfortable talking with you 028
004 I’m talking about you 030
005 We’re still working on that 032
006 Are you still jealous? 034
007 Are you having sex with him? 036
008 Isn’t he doing great? 038
009 She is still in love with him 040
010 They’re trying to mess with us? 042
011 Are you still mad at me,Will? 044

UNIT 2 주격인칭대명사+do 동사
012 I did the best I could 046
013 We did not kill our father 048
014 Do you think she actually killed him? 050
015 He did not tell the boy he was gay 052
016 Did she show her tits? 054
017 They did not humiliate her 056
018 I’m not going to hurt you 058

UNIT 3 주격인칭대명사+be going to
019 We’re going to have so much fun! 060
020 Are you going to take this job? 062
021 He was going to kill my son 064
022 She’s not going to make it 066
023 They’re going to be judging you 068

UNIT 4 주격인칭대명사+will[would]
024 I won’t say a word. I swear 070
025 Will you testify against him? 072
026 He won’t take my calls 074
027 They will always be there for me 076
028 I would never do that to you again 078
029 You’d do that for us? 080
030 She would never do that 082

UNIT 5 주격인칭대명사+can[should, may, might~]
031 I can’t have sex anymore 084
032 Can he make love to you all night long? 086
033 He couldn’t say anything 088
034 Could you not talk so loud? 090
035 You should give it some thought 092
036 May I see your hands, please? 094
037 You might not get another chance 096
038 He must be very skilled at coitus 098
039 I have to be honest with you 100
040 I‘d better call my attorney 102

UNIT 6 주어가 it, this, that~
041 It’s not your fault 104
042 Isn’t it obvious? 106
043 Does it make a difference? 108
044 It’s not gonna be that easy 110
045 It can’t be a coincidence 112
046 This is the happiest day of my life 114
047 This was an amazing night 116
048 This doesn’t make any sense 118
049 This won’t take long 120
050 This can’t be a coincidence 122
051 That is not what I’m saying 124
052 That was not love. That was just sex 126
053 You lie. That did not happen 128
054 That‘s gonna be a little creepy 130
055 That can be a turn on 132

Unit 7 : 주어가 Here, There~
056 There‘s not much we can do 134

Unit 8 : 주격인칭대명사 have+pp~
057 I‘ve been texting you all day 140
058 Thought I‘d never see you again 142
059 You‘ve onIy had sex with me? 144
060 Have you been thinking about me? 146
061 Has she waived her rights? 148

UNIT 9 주격인칭대명사 조동사 have+pp~
062 I shouldn’t have said that 150

Section 2 의문사, 이래도 안들려?

UNIT 1 What+조동사+주격대명사~?
001 What are you getting at? 154
002 What’s the worst that can happen? 156
003 What were you thinking? 158
004 What was wrong with her? 160
005 What do we got here? 162
006 What do you think you’re doing? 164
007 Well, what did you say to her? 166
008 What did she say to you? 168
009 What does that tell us? 170
010 What’ve you got? 172
011 What will you do then? 174
012 What can I say? 176

UNIT 2 When+조동사+주격대명사~?
013 When are you coming over? 178
014 When’s she getting back? 180
015 When did I say that? 182
016 When did you last see Chris? 184
017 When does he take the stand? 186
018 When will I see you again? 188
019 When can I get out of here? 190
020 Since when is our marriage in trouble? 192

UNIT 3 Where+조동사+주격대명사~?
021 Where am I supposed to go? 194
022 Where are we on the case? 196
023 Where was the body found? 198
024 Where were you the night he was killed? 200
025 Where do you think Chris went? 202
026 Where did you get that idea? 204
027 Where does he hid

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