

  • 등록일2017-04-25
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토플iBT 고득점을 향한 주제별 공략 중심의 토플학습서
다락원 토플iBT시리즈『TOEFL MAP READING: ADVANCED』. 이 책은 실전 토플 90점 이상을 목표로 하는 상위학습자를 위한 주제별 공략 중심의 토플교재이다. 185개의 방대한 실전 수준의 지문과 문제로 실제 시험에 철저하게 대비하며 토플에 자주 등장하는 주제에 익숙해질 수 있도록 훈련한다. 보조노트를 통한 배경지식 함양, 주어진 지문을 활용한 요약 연습, 주제별 토플 핵심 어휘, 실전문제 2회분 등이 포함되어 있다. 모든 문제에 대한 상세한 설명을 담은 정답해설지와 모든 지문이 녹음된 MP3 CD도 제공한다.


How Is This Book Different?
How to Use This Book

Part A Understanding Writing Question Types

Chapter 1 Introduction to the Writing Section
A. Organizing Information
B. Information Organization Exercise

Chapter 2 Introduction to the Integrated Writing Task
A. Explanation of the Integrated Writing Task
B. Integrated Writing Task Wording
C. Writing Tips for the Integrated Writing Task
D. Sample Integrated Writing Task
E. Note-Taking
F. Tandem Note-Taking
G. Writing Exercise
H. Integrated Writing Scoring Rubric
I. Strong Response
J. Weak Response

Chapter 3 Introduction to the Independent Writing Task
A. Explanation of the Independent Writing Task
B. Independent Writing Task Wording
C. Writing Tips for the Independent Writing Task
D. Sample Independent Writing Task
E. Generating Ideas
F. Outlining Exercise
G. Writing Exercise
H. Independent Writing Scoring Rubric
I. Strong Response
J. Weak Response

Part B Building Background Knowledge of TOEFL? Topics

Chapter 1
Integrated Writing Task ? Education: Football Stadiums
Independent Writing Task ? Agree or Disagree: Job Satisfaction vs. High Salary

Chapter 2
Integrated Writing Task ? Political Science: The Monroe Doctrine
Independent Writing Task ? Paired Choice: Broad Knowledge vs. Specialized Knowledge

Chapter 3
Integrated Writing Task ? Engineering: The Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Independent Writing Task ? Agree or Disagree: Making Decisions

Chapter 4
Integrated Writing Task ? Environmental Studies: Global Warming
Independent Writing Task ? Agree or Disagree: Leisure Time

Chapter 5
Integrated Writing Task ? Literature: People Read Less Literature Today
Independent Writing Task ? Agree or Disagree: Keep up with World Events

Chapter 6
Integrated Writing Task ? Environmental Studies: Green Consumerism
Independent Writing Task ? Agree or Disagree: Spending Money on International Issues

Chapter 7
Integrated Writing Task ? Business: Maintaining U.S .Policies Abroad
Independent Writing Task ? Agree or Disagree: Class Attendance Should Not Be Required

Chapter 8
Integrated Writing Task ? Computer Science: Are Internet Encyclopedias Better?
Independent Writing Task ? Preference: Valuable Information on the Internet

Chapter 9
Integrated Writing Task ? Archaeology: Is the Sphinx Actually Ancient?
Independent Writing Task ? Agree or Disagree: Reading a Book a Second Time Is More Interesting

Chapter 10
Integrated Writing Task ? Chemistry: The Problems Caused by Sulfur Dioxide
Independent Writing Task ? Agree or Disagree: Higher Education only for Good Students

Chapter 11
Integrated Writing Task ? Zoology ? The Purpose of Zebra Stripes
Independent Writing Task ? Opinion: The Most Memorable Change of the Twentieth Century

Chapter 12
Integrated Writing Task ? Psychology ? TV Addiction
Independent Writing Task ? Agree or Disagree: Traveling Is Better with a Tour Guide

Part C Experiencing the TOEFL? iBT Actual Tests

Actual Test 1
Actual Test 2

Master Word List
Scripts and Answer Key (책속의 책)

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