

  • 등록일2017-04-25
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『TOEFL MAP SPEAKING ADVANCED』은 토플 시험을 준비하는 학생들에게 중요한 영어 스킬 4가지 읽기, 듣기, 말하기, 쓰기로 구분하여 다양한 지문과 문제를 제공한다.


How is This Book Unique?
How to Use This Book

Part A: Understanding TOEFL Speaking Tasks

Task 1: Independent Speaking ? Open Choice
Task 2: Independent Speaking ? Paired Choice
Task 3: Integrated Speaking ? Reading & Conversation
Task 4: Integrated Speaking ? Reading & Lecture
Task 5: Integrated Speaking ? Conversation
Task 6: Integrated Speaking ? Lecture

Part B: Building Knowledge & Skills for the Speaking

Chapter 1
Task 1: Favorite Restaurant
Task 2: Choosing a Career
Task 3: New Student Activities Fee
Task 4: Anthropology - Early Civilizations
Task 5: Scheduling Conflict
Task 6: Economics ? Labor Theory of Value

Chapter 2
Task 1: Personal Problems
Task 2: Exams vs. Coursework
Task 3: Emergency Help Buttons
Task 4: Animal Science ? Scavenging
Task 5: Low Club Membership
Task 6: Astronomy ? Ultra-massive Stars

Chapter 3
Task 1: Favorite Study Place
Task 2: Career ? Money or Enjoyment
Task 3: Recycling on Campus
Task 4: Natural Science ? Bioluminescence
Task 5: Noisy Apartment
Task 6: Sociology ? Social Construction

Chapter 4
Task 1: Favorite School Subject
Task 2: Group Projects vs. Working Alone
Task 3: New Internet-based Courses
Task 4: Literature ? Transcendentalism
Task 5: Trouble Taking Notes
Task 6: World History ? Treaty of Versailles

Chapter 5
Task 1: Qualities of a Friend
Task 2: Living Alone vs. Roommates
Task 3: Library Renovations
Task 4: Medicine ? Penicillin
Task 5: No Parking Space
Task 6: Engineering ? Arches

Chapter 6
Task 1: Method of Relaxation
Task 2: Living Downtown or in a Suburb
Task 3: New Dormitory Opening
Task 4: Psychology ? Birth Order
Task 5: Missing Too Many Classes
Task 6: Geology ? Glacier Landforms

Part C: Mastering Knowledge & Skills for the Speaking

Chapter 7
Task 1: Happiest Childhood Memory
Task 2: Living on or off Campus
Task 3: Increased Parking Permit Fees
Task 4: Business ? The Productivity Paradox
Task 5: Noisy Neighbor
Task 6: The Arts ? Dadaism

Chapter 8
Task 1: Celebrating Your Birthday
Task 2: Movie Theaters or Home Viewing
Task 3: Dormitory Inspections
Task 4: Health ? Pandemics
Task 5: Working out in a Gym
Task 6: Education ? Literacy in Education

Chapter 9
Task 1: Recommend Tourist Site
Task 2: Vacation Destinations
Task 3: Department Budget Cuts
Task 4: Linguistics ? Speech Communities
Task 5: Work & Study Scheduling Conflict
Task 6: Geology ? Dating Fossils

Chapter 10
Task 1: Entertainment Preference
Task 2: Foreign Language Requirement
Task 3: New Cafeteria Meal Plans
Task 4: Urban Studies ? Urban Sprawl
Task 5: Suitable Location for Researching
Task 6: Agriculture ? Crossbreeding

Chapter 11
Task 1: Time Capsule
Task 2: Purpose of University Study
Task 3: Classes Relocated
Task 4: Earth Science ? Biodiversity
Task 5: Low Performance in Class
Task 6: Chemistry ? Electron Configuration

Chapter 12
Task 1: A Challenge Overcome
Task 2: Public Funding of Museums
Task 3: Controversial Speaker
Task 4: American History ? The Temperance Movement
Task 5: Always Late for Class
Task 6: Health ? Diabetes

Part D: The TOEFL iBT Actual Tests

Actual Test 01
Actual Test 02

Scripts and Answer Key (책속의 책)

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