
토익 트레이닝 LC 실전 730

짐리 | 다락원
  • 등록일2017-04-25
  • 파일포맷pdf
  • 파일크기31 K  
  • 지원기기아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드, 태블릿, PC
  • 보유현황보유 2, 대출 0, 예약 0
  • 평점 평점점 평가없음


『토익 트레이닝 LC 실전 730』은 토익 기출문제의 출제포인트를 완벽하게 분석하여 재현한 LC 훈련서이다. 기출유형으로 연습하고 응용문제로 마무리할 수 있도록 구성했다.


저자 : 짐리
저자 짐리는 현재 강남 A-team TOEIC (박병재) 전문학원 토익 전문강사. 최고최다 토익 컨텐츠로 유명한 Daum 카페 ‘짐스토익(http://cafe.daum.net/jimstoeic)‘의 주인장. 저서로는 ‘짐스토익 리스닝 스타트‘, ‘짐스토익 LC 실전연습 1000제‘, ‘짐스토익 RC 실전연습 1000제‘, ‘짐스토익 파트 5,6 실전연습‘, ‘짐스토익 LC실전연습 1000제 START‘, ‘모질게 토익 Economy LC 1000제 제2탄 (21세기북스)‘ 이 있다


트레이닝 코스 A. 기초를 다지는 PART 1&2 유형 훈련
PART 1. 유형 훈련

Training 1 At the computer
Training 2 At the library/bookstore
Training 3 At the store
Training 4 At the square
Training 5 At the barber shop
Training 6 In the house
Training 7 In the office
Training 8 At the train station
Training 9 Riding a bike
Training 10 At an outdoor cafe
Training 11 Looking at a document
Training 12 Talking on the phone
Training 13 Shopping at a store
Training 14 Greeting each other
Training 15 Taking a measurement
Training 16 Studying a menu
Training 17 Construction is in progress.
Training 18 The dishes are stacked up.
Training 19 Tables are arranged outside.
Training 20 Leaving the bus

PART 2. 유형 훈련

Training 1 Who has the keys?
Training 2 Will you be there?
Training 3 How about some lunch?
Training 4 What do you want to do?
Training 5 Where should I put it?
Training 6 Where is it?
Training 7 When does it start?
Training 8 What’s in it?
Training 9 Who is in charge of it?
Training 10 It was great.
Training 11 Why are you doing that?
Training 12 Let’s do something.
Training 13 Why isn’t it here?
Training 14 Who will be coming?
Training 15 Haven’t you learned it?
Training 16 When is he free?
Training 17 Do you want this or that?
Training 18 You will go, won’t you?
Training 19 Did you by chance call?
Training 20 Shouldn’t you do it?
Training 21 What should I get?
Training 22 He is sick.
Training 23 Isn’t he excited?
Training 24 It’s okay, isn’t it?
Training 25 Have you heard?
Training 26 Why don’t we go?
Training 27 Let’s do it.
Training 28 How many hours to go?
Training 29 How many are there?
Training 30 I thought so!
Training 31 How many people will go?
Training 32 What did he say?
Training 33 Who is helping you?
Training 34 Did he go?
Training 35 When does he usually come?
Training 36 Who is going to take you?
Training 37 Why is it so expensive?
Training 38 How long were you there?
Training 39 Are there any extras?
Training 40 What do you do?
Training 41 Let’s do it another day.
Training 42 Where should I put this?
Training 43 When will it be held?
Training 44 What should I do with it?
Training 45 Who is going to take us?
Training 46 Can we still buy some tickets?
Training 47 Would you like to borrow it?
Training 48 Aren’t these yours?
Training 49 When can you come over?
Training 50 The room is dark.
Training 51 Is he going to read it over?
Training 52 Why is it locked?
Training 53 When should I reserve it?
Training 54 Why don’t we check it out?
Training 55 That’s yours, isn’t it?
Training 56 Should I do this or that?
Training 57 Why don’t we take a plane?
Training 58 We should call first.
Training 59 Why were some of the people let go?
Training 60 I will be taking off soon.

트레이닝 코스 B. 핵심을 찌르는 PART 3&4 유형 훈련
PART 3. 유형 훈련

Training 1 What’s the problem?
Training 2 Where are they?
Training 3 When will she make the speech?
Training 4 What did the man forget to bring?
Training 5 What is he doing?
Training 6 What was supposed to happen?
Training 7 Why does the woman turn down the invitation?
Training 8 Why is the woman making the call?
Training 9 Why will he attend the seminar?
Training 10 What did Ken do for the man?
Training 11 What did the boss ask you to do?
Training 12 What did the salesperson do for the speaker?
Training 13 Why can’t the speaker provide an answer?
Training 14 Where will the speaker most likely go next?
Training 15 What did the company recently do?
Training 16 What does the speaker wish to do?
Training 17 Why hasn’t the speaker taken off yet?
Training 18 What happened yesterday?
Training 19 Why is the speaker making the call?
Training 20 What did the speaker do this morning?

PART 4. 유형 훈련

Training 1 When will the meeting start?

한줄 서평